3 steps to staffing your program with telehealth physicians.

Your facility is finally telemedicine-ready. You’ve done your research and decided which equipment your practice needs and maybe even started training your staff on how to use it.
But finding qualified providers to staff your telemedicine program?
That’s where the real challenge starts. With these three easy steps, your organization will be able to match the perfect fit for your needs.
Step #1: Define your area of need.
While many physicians are interested in working in telemedicine, it’s important to gauge where your facility has the most immediate need. Look for areas that a telemedicine provider can fill a gap in your current range of care or lend a hand to physicians who may experience burnout.
Telemedicine providers allow your current physicians the flexibility to take leave, continue their education, or offer consults in their specialties. They also allow your facility access to providers in subspecialties that your patients might not have access to on a regular basis.
#2: Check federal and local laws.
Once you’ve identified where your areas of need are, your next step is to check both federal and local laws concerning telehealth.
From telepresenters, to licensure and even teleprescriptions, each state has different requirements for your physicians to follow.
Step 3: Vetting your candidate.
Not only do you need to find a physician with the right background, you also need to ensure that they are tech-savvy enough to take part in your telemedicine program.
Your ideal telemedicine provider should understand how to use your Electronic Hospital Records system, have reliable, working internet, and be able to quickly troubleshoot should issues arise on the telemedicine platform.