Why the Demand for Gastroenterologists Is Rising

Factors leading to increasing GI service needs.

Gastroenterologists surgeon shortage

Making on average $408,000 per year, gastroenterologists are among the top earning physician specialists. That’s according to Medscape’s 2018 Physician Compensation Report. Gastroenterologists’ 2018 compensation grew 4 percent over the previous year.

The demand for gastroenterologists is rising due to:

  • Incidents of rectal and colorectal cancer in young people are on the rise. Rectal cancer rates are increasing about 3 percent each year in people under age 50.
  • With greater colorectal cancer prevention and detection awareness, more patients are seeking diagnostic testing.
  • The American Cancer Society now recommends colorectal cancer screening at age 45, five years younger than previously recommended.
  • In 2060, nearly a quarter of the U.S. population will be over 65 years old.

The Veterans Health Administration is utilizing telemedicine to serve a wide swath of the country where access to gastroenterologists is limited.

Sources: American Cancer Society, Becker’s GI & Endoscopy, MDEdge – Federal Practitioner, Medscape, Population Reference Bureau.

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